Why was tea chosen as the beverage? Why not ‘cap’puccino? I’d love to see this develop into a series set in a café. They’d serve various hot beverages. Over’head’ would be low. Name idea: Skull Cupz. And clearly Mr. Zetropole would be the brains of the operation.

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😂 Might write another Zetropole story down the line.

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Baba would have enjoyed this I think❤️

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I've recently stopped having a proper breakfast in the morning, and not a moment too soon.

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Not the direction I thought it was heading. Really fun read!!

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Thanks - I’m never sure how readers will react to my strange and absurd sense of humour.

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That’s the best kind of humour tbh!

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Love the characters from our childhood stories from baba! ❤️

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What do you like for breakfast?

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